Want to Start a Blog? Answer These Questions First

If you want to start a blog, this post is definitely for you. This guide will help a prospective blogger to answer some questions before creating a blog.

As a prospective blogger, you want to start it the right way and avoid mistakes that ruined other people’s blog. This Guest Post from Gbemileke Sonde will walk you through questions to ask yourself before starting a blog.

I have come to discover that people are now rushing to create a blog without any pre planning, basic knowledge of what they really want to achieve from blogging. As a result of this, they always end up being frustrated that their voice can’t get afloat in the overcrowded blogosphere, where millions of people are blogging and registering new domain daily.  

Note: Despite the overcrowded blogosphere, people are still lacking information and there are still topics bloggers have not yet answered and they can’t ever till eternity.

To prove my point, go to question and answer websites like stumbled upon, yahoo answers, Reddit, Quora, and you will be amazed at many questions people are asking and yet no answers to them.

This is an evidence that new bloggers have the advantage to make it big in this overcrowded blogosphere.

Blogging is a business, anyone that wants to make it big must have or learn basic entrepreneur skill, because it requires planning, making decisions, marketing your services, building a network with fellow bloggers to avoid isolation and ask for help when needed and many others. 

As a prospective blogger, you need to ask yourself questions and give a right answer to them before planning so that you won’t join the league of those who started blogging and quit few months after when they can’t cope anymore because they have no readers. 

“Winners never quit, quitters never win” 

Why should I answer a question before starting a blog? 

  • To prepare for the big challenges before you.  
  • To have basic knowledge of what you want to enter into, to avoid being mediocre. 
  • It will help you know reasons why you started in the first place.  
  • To be able to learn from others mistakes, failures and success
  • To know which niche you belong or passionate about. 

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These are questions to answer before starting a blog. 

Prospective Blogger

Question 1: Why do I want to blog (my motive)?

Do you want to do it as a passion (just to share your knowledge with people), or turn it to my full-time source of income?

When you are able to answer these you will avoid those frustrations that can set in when you are not getting results from blogging and other related issues.

Question 2: How will I market my Information or product? 

These are one of the mistakes newbie makes; you write and expect people to find it when there are millions of blog out there.

You are the one that would market your products or information to your target customers.

There is someone in need of your services but can’t find ways to get to your blog. It’s your job to bring it out to them. 

In case you don’t know where to advertise your product, here is few platform you can advertise your product:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Google AdWord
  • Word of mouth
  • Guest posting on another similar blog. 

It’s like a real world business you will have to advertise your product as a starter to let the world knows you exist. 

Question 3: Who is my real audience? 

Is it men, women, youth, teen, businessmen or internet marketers?

First, find them and make a plan on how to reach them, so that you won’t be targeting everyone and gaining no one. 

“Knowing your audience is key to content marketing success.” 

Question 4: What would make me quit blogging?

When the road is tough, the options that are left is to quit, but writing it down at an early stage will help you to be prepared for these and give you an insight to overcome it when they arise, examples are: 

  • Money: beginners find it difficult to cater for their blog, they are not financial buoyant, they have yet to earn an income from their blog.   

Read how you can raise money to start your dream business

Planning on how to avoid it will help you in the short and long run in your online business. Like saving your extra income giving to you by parent, friends, family and from the odd work you do for others. There are diverse of ways one can earn money until you start making money from your blog.

  • Internet cost: there are some developing countries that the rate charge by ISP are so much and making it hard for newbie bloggers to be able to have access to full-time on their business. Blogging requires a lot of internet connection in other to be active and make passive income. These situations must be thoroughly dealt with. 
  • Lack of content: What is blogging without content? You need to publish articles in other to keep your blogging business active and get more audience.
  • Time: Enough time must be created for your brand because to outrank your competitors, time must be dedicated.


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Question 5: How do I get content?

You have these options to choose

  • Write the articles by yourself
  • Ask people to guest post on your blog
  • Ask people to write for you for free
  • Or hire freelance writers

These have to be answered beforehand.  

Question 6: What’s your Long and short time plan?

What do you want to achieve now (blog mission) and what you want your blog to look like in the future (Blog vision)?

These will help you to know if you are truly making progress or not in your blogging journey. 

Question 7: What would success look like to you? 

Is it when you’ve 100 subscribers? Guest post on bigger blogs, have more audience?

Everyone has what success looks like to them, if you don’t figure it out, you might be making success and still be comparing yourself to others, and that can affect your online business. 


Wrapping Up

When I started blogging, I have no knowledge about how it is been done. That made me make many errors in my first-year experience, but now am recovering and knowing better.  

If you answer these questions, it will help you have a strong foundation for your blog and avoid mistakes that jeopardized other people’s online business 

What’s in your mind? 

I know you have so much to ask, drop them all in the comments section below. 


Author Profile

Gbemileke Sonde is passionate about writing articles that would be of help to people, entrepreneurs, and a content creator. He blogs at My Coach Article


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