3 Common PPC Marketing Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Did you know digital ad spend experienced a 12% growth in 2020?

You may have recently increased your ad spend, but you may be finding out that your increase in spending isn’t producing higher profits. If that’s the case, you might want some advice on where things are going wrong.

Read on, and you’ll discover three common PPC marketing mistakes that most people make. If you utilize the information in this post, you should be able to improve the profitability of your ad campaigns.

ppc marketing mistakes

1. Targeting the Wrong Keywords

This is one of the major PPC marketing mistakes. Most people fail with PPC marketing because they target the wrong keywords.

If you’re having some issues when it comes to keyword selection, you may want to place a greater focus on ‘buyer keywords’.

Buyer keywords are the keywords people use whenever they’re looking to buy a particular product. Most people experience bad results with PPC because they focus too much on ‘informational keywords’.

These are the keywords people type in whenever they’re just researching something. These keywords can generate traffic, but they typically don’t produce sales. For instance, if we have an online golf store, an informational keyword might be something like ‘what is a golf cart?’

A buyer keyword, however, might be something such as ‘buy golf carts’.

The people typing in this buyer keyword are actively looking to buy a golf cart. Thus, a campaign that targets this kind of keyword will often make more money than a campaign that focuses on informational keywords.

2. Not Going Over Data

One of the good things about PPC digital marketing campaigns is that they provide a lot of data.

If you are not going over this data on a daily basis, you might be missing some issues that could be easily fixed.

For instance, upon launching a new PPC campaign, some keywords will produce better results than others. If you review PPC campaign results, you can identify the keywords that are producing the best ROI.

You can then use this information to identify the keywords that deserve a higher budget and the ones that should be removed. If you go through this process, you will then improve the overall profitability of your campaign.

3. Not Seeking Help

If you are very busy, you might not have the time to really learn how PPC marketing works. If that’s the case, you should seek out help, or else you’re going to end up wasting a lot of money.

Seeking out help generally means that you work with a firm that offers PPC campaign management services. These firms will help you formulate a winning PPC marketing strategy, and they will also optimize your campaigns over time.

Will You Make These PPC Marketing Mistakes?

This post has covered three PPC marketing mistakes that catch most people out.

Luckily, these mistakes are easy to recover from, and so if you’re making any of these blunders, you shouldn’t be too stressed. That said, you should still try to fix these issues as fast as you can.

After all, the longer you wait, the more money you will end up losing in regards to wasted ad spend and lost opportunity.

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